shaping the stars of tomorrow

Universities & Colleges

Universities & Colleges

Most of the Universities and Colleges which offer computing courses in Scotland are now working with the e-Placement Scotland project to benefit their students. We regularly contact lecturers, placement coordinators and careers colleagues at HEI and FE colleges to promote live roles and advise on the benefits of paid internships to increase student registrations.

We have a number of resources, including video presentations, that offer support to students looking for a paid placement, including how to register and search using e-Placement Scotland. More generally, this website gives advice on CV writing, cover letters, preparing for an interview that are specifically targeted to the technology sector.

Case studies and poster can be downloaded and shared with students, giving examples of former students from both student and employer perspective. We hope these resources are useful on any employability-focused courses or as an additional resource for careers teams working with computing departments.

Our main aim is to help students who hope to expand their experience and improve their employability. 

To be eligible to apply for one of our placements, students must be:

  1. Registered at a Scottish University or College
  2. Returning to study post-placement

To find out more please e-mail:

Universities – Sally Smith, HE/FE Engagement


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